Frequently Asked Questions

 Who Is Not Recommended For Microblading?

Pregnant or breast feeding.
All clients must be 18 or older.
 Previously tattooed and the tattoo is still too dark.
 Must be off Accutane for 1 year.
History of keloid scaring.
Radiotherapy or Chemotherapy at any time within the last 6 months.

( Dr's note required )
Major heart conditions or high blood pressure.

( Dr's note required )

If you are allergic to tattoo ink.

What Do I Need to Know Prior To My Appointment?

Refrain from waxing or plucking one week before.
 Botox should be done one month before or one month after.
 Please be advised you are more sensitive during and around your menstrual cycle.
Take a ibuprofen you are more sensitive to pain and buy Lidocaine cream from Amazon and apply  2 hours before your appointment.
No cardio or sweating for up to 7 days.
No tanning, swimming or sauna for 7 days after procedure.
No drinking alcohol or caffeine 24 hrs prior to appointment.